

ushering in fall...

After an amazing and sizzling summer, we are finally ushering in one of my favorite seasons, Fall.  I love the warm fall colors and I feel so privileged to be in the Smoky Mountains when the leaves change.

Being a little obsessed with astronomy and nature, I am excited about witnessing something incredible tonight that comes with this change of season, a phenomenon known as the Super Harvest Moon.  It is an ultra-luminous version of the Harvest Moon and it aligns with Jupiter for the Autumnal Equinox.  It only happens once every 20 years! Check out this article about it.  They say that "the two sources of light will mix to create a summer autumn twilight glow."  Sounds awesome!

It is visible to everyone, because remember, we are all under the same sky!  I feel more connected to my sister who is far away when I remember that!  I don't know about you, but I will basking under the moonlight listening to Neil Young's "Harvest Moon" tonight.  Don't miss this.


  1. Thanks a lot, now I am crying! This is great! Hope I can can't it.

  2. oops sorry! i get to see you in two weeks. i might as well just address you as you because you are the only one reading :)
